Source code for VehicleSimpleNonlinear4DOF

import VehicleSimple

[docs]class VehicleSimpleNonlinear4DOF(VehicleSimple.VehicleSimple): '''TireLinear Linear tire model :var k: Cornering stiffness [N/rad] :var q: Cornering stiffness 2 [N/rad] ''' def __init__(self): super(TireLinear, self).__init__() # Tire.Tire.__init__(self)
[docs] def PlotTire(self): ''' Returns the handle of the curve'''
# alpha = (0:0.1:15)*pi/180 # Fy = - self.Characteristic(alpha) # p = plot(alpha*180/pi,Fy) # grid on; box on; # xlabel('Slip angle [deg]') # ylabel('Lateral force [N]') def Characteristic(self, alpha, varargin): # ''' Returns the handle of the curve''' # Fy = - self.k * alpha pass