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Inheritance diagram of Tire, TireLinear, TirePacejka, TirePolynomial

Articulated vehicles

Inheritance diagram of VehicleArticulated, VehicleArticulatedLinear, VehicleArticulatedNonlinear

Simple vehicles

Inheritance diagram of VehicleSimple, VehicleSimpleLinear, VehicleSimpleNonlinear
class Tire.Tire[source]

Tire Tire abstract class This class must be inherited by tire models that will be used with the simulator. This class has no properties, since parameters of tire models differ significantly from one another.

Variables:param – Loucura
Characteristic(alpha, varargin)[source]

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class TireLinear.TireLinear[source]

Bases: Tire.Tire

TireLinear Linear tire model

  • k – Cornering stiffness [N/rad]
  • q – Cornering stiffness 2 [N/rad]

Returns the handle of the curve

class TirePacejka.TirePacejka[source]

Bases: Tire.Tire

TirePacejka tire model

  • a0 – Shape factor [-]
  • a1 – Load dependency of lateral friction (1000) [1/kN]
  • a2 – Lateral friction level (1000) [-]
  • a3 – Maximum cornering stiffness [N/deg]
  • a4 – Load at maximum cornering stiffness [kN]
  • a5 – Camber sensitivity of cornering stiffness
  • a6 – Load dependency of curvature factor
  • a7 – Curvature factor level
  • a8 – Camber sensitivity of horizontal shift
  • a9 – Load dependency of horizontal shift
  • a10 – Horizontal shift level
  • a11 – Combined load and camber sensitivity of vertical shift
  • a12 – Load dependency of vertical shift
  • a13 – Vertical shift level
class TirePolynomial.TirePolynomial[source]

Bases: Tire.Tire

class VehicleSimple.VehicleSimple[source]

Bases: object

Tire Tire abstract class This class must be inherited by tire models that will be used with the simulator. This class has no properties, since parameters of tire models differ significantly from one another.

Variables:param – Loucura
Characteristic(alpha, varargin)[source]

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class VehicleSimpleLinear.VehicleSimpleLinear[source]

Bases: VehicleSimple.VehicleSimple

TireLinear Linear tire model

  • k – Cornering stiffness [N/rad]
  • q – Cornering stiffness 2 [N/rad]

Returns the handle of the curve

class VehicleSimpleNonlinear.VehicleSimpleNonlinear[source]

Bases: VehicleSimple.VehicleSimple

TireLinear Linear tire model

  • k – Cornering stiffness [N/rad]
  • q – Cornering stiffness 2 [N/rad]

Returns the handle of the curve

class VehicleSimpleNonlinear4DOF.VehicleSimpleNonlinear4DOF[source]

Bases: VehicleSimple.VehicleSimple

TireLinear Linear tire model

  • k – Cornering stiffness [N/rad]
  • q – Cornering stiffness 2 [N/rad]

Returns the handle of the curve

class VehicleArticulated.VehicleArticulated[source]

Bases: object

Tire Tire abstract class This class must be inherited by tire models that will be used with the simulator. This class has no properties, since parameters of tire models differ significantly from one another.

Variables:param – Loucura
Characteristic(alpha, varargin)[source]

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class VehicleArticulatedLinear.VehicleArticulatedLinear[source]

Bases: VehicleArticulated.VehicleArticulated

TireLinear Linear tire model

  • k – Cornering stiffness [N/rad]
  • q – Cornering stiffness 2 [N/rad]

Returns the handle of the curve

class VehicleArticulatedNonlinear.VehicleArticulatedNonlinear[source]

Bases: VehicleArticulated.VehicleArticulated

TireLinear Linear tire model

  • k – Cornering stiffness [N/rad]
  • q – Cornering stiffness 2 [N/rad]

Returns the handle of the curve

class Graphics.Graphics[source]

Tire Tire abstract class This class must be inherited by tire models that will be used with the simulator. This class has no properties, since parameters of tire models differ significantly from one another.

Variables:param – Loucura
Characteristic(alpha, varargin)[source]

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class Simulator.Simulator[source]

Tire Tire abstract class This class must be inherited by tire models that will be used with the simulator. This class has no properties, since parameters of tire models differ significantly from one another.

Variables:param – Loucura
Characteristic(alpha, varargin)[source]

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