SkidPad 4DOF

This example shows the maneuver of a nonlinear simple vehicle 4 DOF with Pacejka tire model moving in circles.

The main script is described in SkidPad4DOF.m. A control law (rear-wheel-drive) is used to maintain a constant CG speed. The control is implemented in the VelControl4DOF.m file.


First, we choose the tire and vehicle models. The first one is the Pacejka tire model (Pacejka (Magic Formula)) and the second one is the nonlinear vehicle model (Simple vehicle 4 DOF).

TireModel = TirePacejka();              % Choosing tire
System = VehicleSimpleNonlinear4DOF();  % Choosing vehicle

The default parameters of the vehicle and tire model can be seen in VehicleSimpleNonlinear and TirePacejka, respectively.

Changing the vehicle parameters

System.mF0 = 700;
System.mR0 = 600;
System.lT = 3.5;
System.nF = 1;
System.nR = 1;
System.wT = 2;
System.muy = 1;
System.deltaf = 10*pi/180;
System.H = 0.6;                     % CG height [m]
System.L = 0.6;                     % track [m]
System.IXX = 12000;
System.IYY = 65000;
System.IZZ = 65000;
System.IXY = 1000;
System.IXZ = 1000;
System.IYZ = 1000;
System.K = 50000000;                % Torcional stiffness
System.C = 5000000;

Check all the vehicle parameters at VehicleSimpleNonlinear4DOF.

The input variables can be defined as

System.FXREARLEFT = @VelControl4DOF;
System.FXREARRIGHT = @VelControl4DOF;

When the input variables are defined as a scalar quantity, the attributed value remains the same for the entire simulation span. However, we can see that the longitudinal force of the rear tires recieve the handle of the VelControl4DOF.m function.

The System is completely defined once we attribute the chosen tire model to the vehicle object.

System.tire = TireModel;

Choosing the simulation time span

T = 20;                             % Total simulation time [s]
resol = 200;                        % Resolution
TSPAN = 0:T/resol:T;                % Time span [s]

To define a simulation object (Simulator) the arguments must be the vehicle object and the time span.

simulator = Simulator(System, TSPAN);

The initial velocity of the center of gravity can be changed running

simulator.V0 = 8;

Now, we have everything needed to run the simulation. For this, we use


The resulting time response of each state is stored in separate variables:

XT = simulator.XT;
YT = simulator.YT;
PSI = simulator.PSI;
THETA = simulator.THETA;
VEL = simulator.VEL;
ALPHAT = simulator.ALPHAT;
dPSI = simulator.dPSI;
dTHETA = simulator.dTHETA;

Retrieving data from vehicle:

m = System.mT;
a = System.a;
b = System.b;
K = 50000000;                       % Torcional stiffness of the sprung mass
CC = 5000000;
h = 0.6;                            % CG height [m]
l = 0.6;                            % track [m]
g = 9.81;

Calculating the vertical force at each tire

FzRight = (m*g*l/2 + K*THETA + CC*dTHETA)/l;
FzLeft = m*g - FzRight;

FzFrontRight = FzRight*b/(a+b);
FzFrontLeft = FzLeft*b/(a+b);
FzRearRight = FzRight*a/(a+b);
FzRearLeft = FzLeft*a/(a+b);

The following lines plot the time response of each state of the model.

f1 = figure(1);
hold on ; grid on ; box on
xlabel('time [s]')
ylabel('Distance in the x direction [m]')

f2 = figure(2);
hold on ; grid on ; box on
xlabel('time [s]')
ylabel('Distance in the y direction [m]')

f3 = figure(3);
hold on ; grid on ; box on
xlabel('time [s]')
ylabel('Yaw angle [rad]')

f4 = figure(4);
hold on ; grid on ; box on
xlabel('time [s]')
ylabel('Roll angle [rad]')

f5 = figure(5);
hold on ; grid on ; box on
xlabel('time [s]')
ylabel('Velocity [m/s]')

f6 = figure(6);
hold on ; grid on ; box on
xlabel('time [s]')
ylabel('Vehicle slip angle [rad/s]')

f7 = figure(7);
hold on ; grid on ; box on
xlabel('time [s]')
ylabel('Yaw rate [rad/s]')

f8 = figure(8);
hold on ; grid on ; box on
xlabel('time [s]')
ylabel('Roll rate [rad/s]')

The generated figures can be seen below.


Fig. 32 Longitudinal position of the center of gravity of the system.


Fig. 33 Transversal position of the center of gravity of the system.


Fig. 34 Yaw angle of the vehicle


Fig. 35 Roll angle of the sprung mass


Fig. 36 Velocity of the center of gravity


Fig. 37 Vehicle slip angle


Fig. 38 Vehicle yaw rate


Fig. 39 Roll rate of the sprung mass

The following lines plot the vertical force at each tire.

f9 = figure(9);
hold on ; grid on ; box on
xlabel('time [s]')
ylabel('Vertical force [N]')
legend('Front Right','Rear Right','Front Left','Rear Left')

The generated figure can be seen below.


Fig. 40 Vertical force at each tire.

The following lines plot the vertical force at each axle.

f10 = figure(10);
hold on ; grid on ; box on
plot(TSPAN,FzFrontRight + FzFrontLeft,'r')
plot(TSPAN,FzRearRight + FzRearLeft,'g')
xlabel('time [s]')
ylabel('Vertical force [N]')
legend('Front axle','Rear axle')

The generated figure can be seen below. We can see that no longitudinal load transfer occurs (It is not modeled).


Fig. 41 Vertical force at each axle.

Frame and animation can be generated defining a graphic object (Graphics). The only argument of the graphic object is the simulator object after the simulation.

g = Graphics(simulator);

To change the color of the vehicle run

g.TractorColor = 'r';

The frame can be generated running


We can fit a circle to verify the trajectory of the center of gravity. This is done using the function circfit.m

angulo = 0:0.01:2*pi;

[R,XC,YC] = circfit(XT(40:end),YT(40:end));

XX = XC + R*cos(angulo);
YY = YC + R*sin(angulo);

hold on

The animation can be generated running


Both graphics feature can be seen below.


Fig. 42 Frame from the skidpad maneuver of the nonlinear vehicle model with 4 DOF.


Fig. 43 Animation from the skidpad maneuver of the nonlinear vehicle model with 4 DOF.


The control law of the longitudinal dynamics is depicted below.

function output = VelControl4DOF(input,~)
    % Current velocity
    vel = input(5);
    % Reference velocity
    velRef = 8;

    % Control gain
    K = 300000;

    output = K * (velRef - vel);


The function used do fit a circle is depicted below.

function [r,varargout]=circfit(x,y)
%CIRCFIT  Least squares fit of X-Y data to a circle.
%   R = CIRCFIT(X,Y) returns scalar radius R of a fitted circle. X and Y are 1-D
%   arrays of position data in a rectilinear coordinate system. X and Y must be
%   the same length and must contain at least three non-colinear points in order
%   for a valid solution to be found.
%   [R,ERR] = CIRCFIT(X,Y) additionally returns the scalar root mean squared
%   error of the fitted circle radius and center relative to the position data.
%   [R,XC,YC] = CIRCFIT(X,Y) additionally returns the scalar positions, XC and
%   YC, of center of the fitted circle.
%   [R,XC,YC,ERR] = CIRCFIT(X,Y) returns both the center positions of the circle
%   as well as the root mean squared error.
%   examples:
%       % Fit of just five noisy points
%       x1=[1 0 -1 0 1]+0.05*randn(1,5); y1=[0 1 0 -1 0]+0.05*randn(1,5);
%       r1=circfit(x1,y1)
%       % CIRCFIT can sometimes perfom poorly with less than 180-degree arc
%       t=0:0.1:pi; lt=length(t);
%       x2=cos(t)+0.04*randn(1,lt); y2=sin(t)+0.04*randn(1,lt);
%       r2_90deg=circfit(x2(1:floor(lt/2)),y2(1:floor(lt/2)))
%       r2_180deg=circfit(x2,y2)

%   Andrew D. Horchler, adh9 @ case . edu, Created 5-12-7
%   Revision: 1.3, 4-6-16

% Check inputs
if nargout > 4
    error('circfit:circfit:TooManyOutputs','Too many output arguments.');

if ~isvector(x) || ~isfloat(x) || ~isreal(x) || ~all(isfinite(x))
          'X must be a finite real vector of floating point numbers.');
if ~isvector(y) || ~isfloat(y) || ~isreal(y) || ~all(isfinite(y))
          'Y must be a finite real vector of floating point numbers.');

if lx ~= length(y)
          'The vectors X and Y must have the same length.');
if lx < 3
          'The vectors X and Y must contain at least three points.');

% Check collinearity, assume with sufficient points, some will be non-collinear
if rank(diff([x([1:min(50,lx) 1]) y([1:min(50,lx) 1])])) == 1
    if lx <= 50 || rank(diff([x y;x(1) y(1)])) == 1
             ['The points in vectors X and Y must not all be collinear, or '...
              'nearly collinear, with each other.']);


% Solve linear system without inverting
% a=[sx sy lx;sxy syy sy;sxx sxy sx]\[sxx+syy;sum(xxyy.*y);sum(xxyy.*x)];
[L,U]=lu([sx sy lx;sxy syy sy;sxx sxy sx]);

xc=0.5*a(1);          	% X-position of center of fitted circle
yc=0.5*a(2);          	% Y-position of center of fitted circle
r=sqrt(xc^2+yc^2+a(3));	% Radius of fitted circle

% Set variable outputs
if nargout > 2
if nargout == 2 || nargout == 4
    varargout{nargout-1}=sqrt(mean((sqrt((x-xc).^2+(y-yc).^2)-r).^2));	% RMSE